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♥ foLo PeLangi ♥

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Yellow themed order from a customer :)

This pretty customer of mine wanted a keychain of the name of her choice as below and the background should be yellow..

I gave her choices of love,flower,butterfly or a bee and she chose a bee..Personally i love the bees too...i mean the felt bee...

so here is the outcome which i loved it as well..It costs RM 4.50 with own choice of color for the background, pattern and name(max 4)..

The color of the letters and buttons will be chosen by myself, something that goes well and nice with the background...

Second was a car signage with "Prince Amol on Heart" on it..*Guess it's for her beloved-how lucky he is :)*

Again, she wants yellow, so the background was brown (her choice) which i find as the best choice..

The color of the wordings were her choice as well. So here is the car signage...Hopefully she will like it :) *fingers crossed*

This car signage costs RM 9 .

You can always PM me for more details :)


  1. like the car signage! nak jugak..
    tp no idea lg laa nk tuleh pe..
    got any idea ?

  2. nk tuk kete sndr ke bg org ??
    lau sndr, u can write
    **Princess Zurainee On Board..(tp nm tu pjg sgt.hehe)
    **i love my car..

  3. Correction...Car signage RM 9 not RM 9.90 :)


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