Photobucket Baby Booties <3 p/s : Shredders IN STOCK!

♥ foLo PeLangi ♥

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

SecOnd trial ~

Hey people !

Seem to be a little upset.. I have given a try to import shredders but the seller isn't responsive and not giving enough co-operation. You know, you are going to invest a big sum of money on something from outside your country and you got to be careful so that you don't get cheated right? That's what am doing now..

NOW,i am giving on a second trial from another supplier. Let's see how it comes..

Remember, if the deal is a success, the price gonna be a massive change. Previously my supplier was a Malaysian and i sold for the cheapest price on market. But now going to be a foreigner so you got to be ready to give out some cash to own something you want.. Hopefully the charges are not choking my throat !! Huhu

Pray for the best people.. Fingers crossed

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